Composting with Worms
Time: 5:45pm—6:45pm
Where: CCE Education Center
Who: Open to any youth ages 5-19
Thursday, January 9th—This week we are learning about how worms can be used to compost food waste and building an experiment to test decomposition of food with worms or no worms!
Thursday, January 23rd—This week participants will create their own worm bins to compost food waste at home. We'll learn what to put in them and what worms create from "munching" on food scraps.
Thursday, February 6th—This week we are getting our hands dirty. We are exploring how worms benefit soil for plants to grow!
Thursday, February 20th—This week we are exploring how worms respond to various stimuli such as light! We use smell, taste, sight, sound, and touch to experience the world but what about worms?
Sign up for one or all of the programs by calling 518-668-4881/623-3291 or e-mailing Michele at
Every 4-H Member, regardless of age, should take this opportunity to develop the self-confidence, poise, self-esteem and skills necessary to speak in front of a group. Some important skills you learn by giving a public presentation are:
« How to express yourself before others with ease;
« How to organize your thoughts;
« How to research a subject until you are comfortable enough to explain it to others;
« How to accept constructive criticism; and
« How to think ahead.
Remember: In order for any youth to be eligible for a 4-H Scholarship for STAR, Career Exploration, participate in the Warren County Youth Fair Superintendent & Assistant Program, or to attend the New York State Fair, you must complete a Public Presentation within the current 4-H year. Adirondack Guides are required to participate every year.
SAVE THE DATE! Public Presentation Training will be on Thursday, January 30th from 4pm—5pm via Zoom. Please email Roxanne at to register and receive a zoom invite.
Presentation Days are scheduled for Thursday, February 20th from 1-4 pm and Saturday, March 8th from 10 am—4 pm. Both will be held at the CCE offices.
Click here for the Public Presentation Presenters Guide:
Public Presentation Presenters Guide