Office Hours

The Cornell Cooperative Extension office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Check out the events below to see what's happening with the Warren County 4-H program. Please make sure to contact us if you see something you want to be a part of~most events need pre-registration. Registration can be done by e-mailing Michele Baker at or by calling the office at 518-623-3291 or 668-4881.


TIME:  1:00PM - 4:00PM

Hagy’s Haven 4-H Educational Garden has seen a lot of action over the course of the last few days. Here’s some updates. We said goodbye to two of our roosters over the weekend and welcomed four new members of the 4-H family. 4-H purchased two guinea fowl and two additional call ducks to complement our original pair of ducks, Daisy and Donald. John is going to start raising poultry at his home going back to his 4-H roots when he raised call ducks as a 4-H project. We hope at some point to have the offspring of his pair of beautiful pastel call ducks and his newly acquired snowflake quails.
Work on expanding the garden will start in the coming weeks and the work of creating new garden beds and tilling the soil will be much easier with the addition of our new rototiller that was purchased through a fundraiser by 4-H member Elizabeth Fram and her mom, Laura. Their generosity and “investment into our future” will enable us to move forward with the garden expansion and the opportunity to touch many lives in our communities with nutritious food and agricultural education.
Come be a part of this exciting expansion at our garden work party on Saturday, May 19th from 1:00-4:00 pm. Parents and youth are encouraged to help. Lunch will be available at noon. Please call Michele at 518-668-4881 or and let us know if you can attend. 4-H Grows Here! #4HGrowsHere