Office Hours

The Cornell Cooperative Extension office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Check out the events below to see what's happening with the Warren County 4-H program. Please make sure to contact us if you see something you want to be a part of~most events need pre-registration. Registration can be done by e-mailing Michele Baker at or by calling the office at 518-623-3291 or 668-4881.


4-H Public Presentations is a program in which youth learn to create a presentation and develop the skills needed to present it before an audience.  This is not a competition, rather an opportunity to become a better you! You cannot fail, but you will learn, grow and develop lifelong speaking abilities that will help you now in school, home and in club/community leadership opportunities.

Beginners are encouraged to select simple topics with which they are extremely comfortable, so that the presentation process is the focus of their learning without the stress of learning about an unfamiliar topic.  We encourage youth to progress and grow each year and challenge themselves with a new presentation style, use technology in their presentations and to venture into unfamiliar topics as they become more comfortable with public speaking.

Every 4-H Member, regardless of age, should take this opportunity to develop the self-confidence, poise, self-esteem and skills necessary to speak before a group.

 Remember: In order for any youth to be eligible for a 4-H Scholarship for STARR, Capital Days, Career Ex, the Youth Fair Superintendent Program, or to attend the New York State Fair, you must complete a Public Presentation within the current 4-H year.  Adirondack Guides are required to participate every year.

4-H Public Presentation Options for 2022:

Public Presentation Day—Saturday, March 26th from 10:00am to 3:00pm at the CCE Training Center or via ZOOM.  (This may change due to CDC and Association guidelines.)

  Make-up DayTuesday, April 19th from 10:00am to 1:00pm in-person or via ZOOM.  E-mail Roxanne with a preferred time for presenting.  She will in turn e-mail you an invitation to join via Zoom. 

 OneDrive – We have created a 4-H account for you to upload your video presentation.  Go to, choose OneDrive log in.  The user name is: and the password is LearnByDoing.  E-mail Roxanne when the video is uploaded.  Video presentation must be complete by April 1st.

  YouTube – If you have a family channel, upload your presentation and e-mail Roxanne the link when complete.  Video presentation must be complete by April 1st.

  ZOOM Job or College Interview – If you choose a job or college interview, e-mail Roxanne a preferred time to ZOOM and provide a resume via email.  Interviews must be complete by April 1st.

Call the Cornell University Cooperative Extension Education Center at 623-3291 or 668-4881 to register.